Reasons why your lipstick won't last, and what can you do about it

Lipstick is a vital part of your makeup routine. It adds an irresistible sparkle to your face, enhancing your overall look. There's just one problem, though: lipstick has an annoying habit of rubbing off when you least want it to. 

The good news is that there's a surprising amount that you can do to combat this cosmetic issue. Here are the top reasons why your lipstick doesn't last, and what you can do about it. 

You've Not Perfected The Air Kiss

Greeting friends and family with a kiss of the cheek is traditional, but it developed in an era when lipstick smudging wasn't a consideration. Today, though, it's a problem. The last thing you want is your lipstick rubbing off on another person's cheek. If nothing else, it's embarrassing. 

If you've ever watched the Real Housewives of Beverley Hills, you'll have noticed that they've mastered the art of contactless kissing. Just like a fake punch in a movie, you never make any contact with the opposing person's body. A quick "mwah, mwah!" in the air and you're done. 

You're Not Finishing Up Applying Lipstick With Concealer

Bleeding and chapping can be a significant issue when you want to wear lipstick and look your best. It forces the lipstick to crack and generally look a bit "off." 

Applying concealer around the edges of your lips, however, can help. The supplemental application can help to frame the lips, providing more definition, and holding the whole ensemble together. You can also use a lip tint to alter the shade of your lipstick.

You're Not Blotting Between Applications

If you want beautiful lips, then blotting is essential. It's not as outdated as you might think. 

To blot effectively, first apply your first layer of lipstick. Then blot it with a paper towel to rough it up a little bit before adding the second layer of color. The process is analogous to what painters do when trying to make a wall look perfect. First, they sand down the wall to provide a sticky surface. Then they apply successive layers of paint, all of which stick much better than if they'd never done any sanding in the first place. 

You Have Dry Lips

If you have dry lips, what's the first thing that you do? If you're like most people, you immediately grab the lip balm and hope that artificial oils will restore your lips to their usual, supple selves. 

Unfortunately, that's not a good idea if you want to lay the lipstick on thick. Lip balm creates an oily layer that makes it difficult for the lipstick to stick. 

The best approach is to clear up dry lips with a professional healing product - not lip balm - and get rid of the chaps and sores altogether. Once they're gone, your lipstick will actually stick - as the name implies. 



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